Get to know Julia Samuelsson: T4R Ambassador and HR & Customer Care Specialist

Get to know Julia Samuelsson: T4R Ambassador and HR & Customer Care Specialist

13. 9. 2022 5 min. reading

Meet the team and get to know Julia Samuelsson!

It is not even a year ago when our Swedish Top4Running ambassador as well as HR and Customer Care Specialist Julia Samuelsson got on board. But how did her journey start, what does her every day look like now and where is she headed in the future? Get to know how she perceives where she stands and what her ambitions are in what follows:


1. How did your journey at Top4Sport/Top4Runnig start? 

When I graduated from my Bachelor in Psychology in June 2021 I was looking for a job that I could combine with pursuing my dreams and goals as an athlete. I needed something that would give me the flexibility and freedom I need to train, race, and travel 365 days a year. I, and everyone around me, thought it was an impossible equation, but when I found the customer care position at Top4Runnig it was once again proven that nothing is impossible. Not only did I get the freedom to work when it suits me, but I also got to work with my passion for running and people. I loved the company and its vibe from day one and there was no doubt that this was the company for me. As I was eager to get more involved in the company and had space for more work hours I went from working 10 hours a week to 25 hours a week in just a few months as I started to work with HR and the Swedish social media. The fact that I found Top4Running as an employee and that they gave me the opportunity to grow into the roles I have now feels a bit like a “one-in-a-million” and “way-too-good-to-be-true” as it suits me and my situation so well! 


2. What does it mean to be a semi-pro athlete? How does it translate to everyday life? What are your current goals/ambitions/dreams?

For me, it means a lot of training, a lot of eating, a lot of sleeping, and a lot of planning. I am often training twice a day, and in between, I work with Top4Running while I let my body recover, usually on my couch. My biggest goal right now is to qualify for the Olympics in Paris 2024! 


3. Having multiple roles, how do you manage everything within 24 hours? Can you describe your everyday life? What does your “normal” day look like? What are your routines?

Usually, I start my day with a morning meeting and breakfast. Then I reply to emails from customers before I go for my first training! When I get back home I quickly prepare my lunch and start working on my HR-related projects. Often I have some sort of meeting or interview. In the afternoon I usually work with the ambassadors, translations, and the Swedish Instagram account before it is time for my second training. I usually try to be done with work before my second training to make sure I have the evening off to clear my head, cook and eat dinner, and spend time with my boyfriend! I have always been very effective in everything I do and I have a hard time accepting slow projects. This can be both good and bad of course, but it allows me to do a lot in a limited time! 


4. What is it like to be an ambassador at T4R? And how does it work with the ambassador program in general?

To be a Top4Running Ambassador brings so many more benefits than I could imagine when I enrolled. You become part of a huge community and team with all kinds of runners on all levels and distances which is very unique and so cool. No matter what level you are on, you can always find inspiration in each other as you have the same passion for running. All T4R ambassadors are active on social media and share inspiration and motivation with each other and our followers there, but we also meet in real life during various events which the T4R team attends. This weekend I went to the European Championships in Munich together with the T4R ambassador team to run a 10k road race and watch the championships. It was absolutely amazing, not only to race together with the team but also to meet all these passionate runners and individuals. It was just an unforgettable experience! Besides that, we also get the chance to try new cool products from all the biggest running brands. 


5. Where do you see yourself in the far & near future?

In the near future, I see myself as a professional, rather than a semi-professional, athlete. I hope to qualify for the Olympics and take medals at international championships! I want to continue my studies with a master's degree, maybe in criminology. In the far future, I see myself with a big family, traveling and living in different countries in the world!